Crystal Crazy will not be able to play at anything like full speed on this model of Macintosh because of the large color screen size you have selected and because you have turned off MegaDraw‚Ñ¢.
Crystal Crazy will not be able to play at anything like full speed on this model of Macintosh because of the large color screen size you have selected.
Crystal Crazy will not be able to play at anything like full speed on this model of Macintosh because of the large screen size you have selected and because you have turned off MegaDraw‚Ñ¢.
Crystal Crazy will not be able to play at anything like full speed on this model of Macintosh because of the large screen size you have selected.
Crystal Crazy will not be able to play at anything like full speed on this model of Macintosh because you have asked for color and have turned MegaDraw‚Ñ¢ off.
Crystal Crazy will not be able to play at anything like full speed on this model of Macintosh in color.
Crystal Crazy will not be able to play at anything like full speed on this model of Macintosh because you have turned off MegaDraw‚Ñ¢.